Monday, June 3, 2013

Pinterest Projects...

I love to travel and our little family try to get overseas once a year for a family vacation.  Sometimes they are big adventures and other times just a week or so somewhere nice.  No matter where we go though we always need our passports and I don't know about anyone else but I am the person for our family to carries the passports and fills out those tedious border control forms.  What annoys me the most about having to do it is constantly finding my passports and then having to open every one to see who's is where so when I found this link on Pinterest I decided to adjust it slightly to suit my style and make myself one.

This is the picture of the one on Pinterest.

And here is my one.

And the inside.

I used my bright coloured chevron fabric and I quilted along the zig zag lines.  I used a velcro closure and I interfaced all the sections with padding on the cover.  It was really thick and heavy and hard to sew a top stitch around the edge when it was complete.

Then I decided to alter it a little and make one for the lovely Toni for her adventures.  This time I used a Paris print that I love with chevron inside.  I changed it so it is not interfaced as heavily as the first so it was much easier to sew (and therefore not a little bit wonky like mine) and I used a magnetic clip for the closure.  I also made the back pockets shallower so the passports can't slide down out of sight.

Now I am happy that when I travel next I will know where my passports are and who's is who's and it might make those annoying forms just a little bit less tedious.

I have one more Pinterest project to share.  

Emma dances and whenever she completes exams or stuff like that she earns badges.  I knew that we had to have them somewhere special or they would get lost and I didn't want to tuck them away I wanted her to be able to see and enjoy them so when I saw this project on Pinterest I knew I could make it work as a wall hanging for her badges.  It was perfect with a little square for each badge.

This is the photo from Pinterest. It is a square that you make towards a whole quilt.

And here is my wall hanging for Emma's badges using the same pattern as above.

I used pretty colours and added some binding with some fabric loops so it hangs on her wall.  If you look closely you can see that she has 4 badges on there so far.  I didn't take any pictures but the backing is a plain fabric. I think that this pattern would look nice in cushions too.

So there is my Pinterest love for now, although I have a few more projects I am itching to have a go at soon.

1 comment:

  1. Great passport wallets! The wall hanging for badges is a great idea too.


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