Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Christmas Tradition...

We have a few Christmas traditions in our house and one of them we only started last year and the kids love it so now it is here to stay.  I have collected 24 Christmas stories and I wrap each one up and the kids pick one a night to read at bed time.  They are not labelled or anything they just pick which ever one tickles their fancy.  You can read about when we did this last year HERE.

I haven't wrapped the books yet and put them in the basket but I have collected a few new titles to replace ones that we have grown out of so I thought I would share our Christmas reading list with you.

Our 24 books in no particular order:

  1. Mr Men, The Night Before Christmas by Roger Hargreaves
  2. Mr Men, A Christmas Carol, by Roger Hargreaves
  3. Mr Men, Little Miss Christmas, by Roger Hargreaves
  4. Mr Men, 12 Days of Christmas, by Roger Hargreaves (you can't beat a Mr Men book really, the kids absolutely love them!)
  5. Fair Dinkum Aussie Christmas
  6. Christmas in Australia, by John Williamson (this has a cd with it)
  7. Aussie Jingle Bells, by Colin Buchanan
  8. An Aussie Night Before Christmas, by Yvonne Morrison
  9. The Nativity
  10. Winnie the Pooh and the Grand Christmas Surprise
  11. A Christmas Carol
  12. Horrible Histories - Horrible Christmas, by Terry Deary
  13. The Christmas Tree, by Julie Holland
  14. Santa's Missing Letter, by Kristian Pithie
  15. Wombat Divine, by Mem Fox
  16. The North Pole Express, by Ryan Willms
  17. Usborne 1001 Things to spot at Christmas
  18. The Biggest Christmas Tree Ever, by Steven Koll
  19. An Aussie Day before Christmas, by Kilmery Niland
  20. The 12 Dogs of Christmas, by Kevin Wittark
  21. Twenty-Five December Lane, by Helen Ward
  22. Merry Christmas Geronimo!
  23. Christmas is Coming! by Susannah McFarlane
  24. Where's Santa? (a Where's Wally type book)
The last three titles are our new ones for the year.

The books will be wrapped and ready for December 1st this Saturday.  

I would really love to add the Polar Express to this list too, that will have to be one of next year's new books.  Do you have any Christmas titles you think I should add to my list?


  1. HI Deb - wow what an upgrade on the van! We also love the 6 White Boomers book (with CD) by Rolf Harris (Scholastic) and the aussie version of 12 days of Christmas by June Williams (e.g.. an emu up a gum tree). Enjoy your Christmas! Tanya

    1. Thanks Tanya, we love the van, it is luxury compared to our old one! It is so easy to camp with the new one. There are so many Aussie Christmas books aren't there? I know Six White Boomers would be a hit with Emma. Have a great Christmas, Deb xx


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