Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Australia Day!

Happy Australia Day everyone!  We did not have a very Áustralian' kind of day today although we wore our Australian gear and headed to the movies (due to Nathan's broken leg) to see Alvin and the Chipmunks.  We had planned a trip to the beach but broken legs don't really allow that.  So it was more of a get things done kinda day around here. 

So, now all the school bags are packed with new supplies for the year, the lunches are made and in the new lunchboxes and the school uniforms have been checked to make sure they fit properly and we don't have any first morning dramas.  The camera is on charge and we are ready...well I don't think I am really quite ready for all my children to be at school but I am coping...working for the first 3 days of the school year will give me a chance to be busy and not think about having those days off to myself...of course until next week when I will probably be looking forward to some quiet time to get stuff done.

I hope everyone has a great first day of the school year (both teachers and children).  Let's hope it is a year full of rewarding experiences and achievements!

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